Tom Tuerff – But Wait…There’s More!


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Exactly five years after his first CD, “Something To Sell At My Gigs,” landed in the hands of lots of people who should know better — and on radio shows across the country, including the Dr. Demento Show, humorous songwriter Tom Tuerff returns with another sampling of silly songs, “But Wait…There’s More!”

“In some ways, this is the album I wanted to make last time,” Tuerff says, “and I mean that literally. One of the songs on here was supposed to be on the last album but the fiddle player got sick. And I meant to record another one at the last sessions but I forgot. So they’re here now.”

And so are 8 more newer songs, all of which show off Tuerff’s unique ability to twist the listener’s funnybone.

Tuerff is a Phoenix-based singer-songwriter whose one mission in life is to not take it too seriously, and to poke merciless fun at people who do.

“I will lampoon anything that won’t get a fatwa issued against me,” Tuerff said. “I simply observe bizarre human behavior and then I comment on it. I think people get a laugh out of my songs because often, even in very obscure ways, they see themselves in the song.”

This can’t be exemplified better than in the reaction Tuerff gets to “Sun City Sinners,” one of the songs on the new CD.

“I saw a news report a few years ago that our county sheriff was spending taxpayer’s money to keep retirees from engaging in public sex,” Tuerff said. “My thought was, if they’re 90, and they can do it, more power to them. Do it anywhere you want to, you crazy people, you! Needless to say, whenever I play this song for crowds in or around Sun City, I see a lot of nudging and nodding and ‘we’ve done that’ glances while they’re laughing.”

Unlike his first CD, which consisted mostly of just Tuerff and his guitar, “But Wait…There’s More!” features quite a few songs with major instrumental backing.

“These songs just worked better with more instruments,” Tuerff said. “So I found the best people possible to lay them down and I’m thrilled with the results.”

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